Echoes From The Catacombs



(Seventh Poetry Collection, Written February-April 2014)


 ©2014 LIAM WHETSTONE All rights reserved

 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception

And to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of

Liam Whetstone.




Author’s Introduction



The Prologue

Going Through the Motions

An inevitable Fatality

A Journey through Dense Mists

A Fragile Sculpture

Unforgivable Assumptions

Stone and Water

Cataclysmic Collisions

Clear Visions as Wounds

A list of Enemies

A Corpse in Ice

Two Categories


Building Bridges

Stone Pillars

The Next Stage

The Sanatorium

The Rant of a Killjoy

Answering Accusations

The Greatest Fear

Rummaging Through the Rubbish

Ulterior Motives

Hazy Hyper Reality

A Very Useful Technique

Shrinking Horizons

Static Psychosis

Confessions of a Stubborn Coward

At the Foot of the Mountain

My Mantra

The Epilogue




Authors Introduction

This seventh collection written between is my most personal to date, previously my collections have covered a range of topics providing comprehensive reflections of my thoughts and opinions at the time the poems were written.



These poems were written during February 2014 – April 2014 and are dedicated to those readers who are kind enough to consider and to understand the feelings and emotions I have expressed in them.


Liam Whetstone (April 2014)


(Everyone is much more simply human than otherwise)

Harry Stack Sullivan, The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry


The Prologue

Hello boredom my old friend

Hello truth my best friend

If it’s not raining outside

The lights are definitely on

But the encompassing darkness remains

Piecing everything together is

Confusing and sometimes destructive

Wastelands in the past

Desolation in the future

(Finishes coffee, turns light of tries to

Go back to sleep)


Going Through the Motions

Twenty four hours in a day

Sunrise always follows sunset

Following a routine of meals

Following a pattern of sleep

Following a pattern of work

Undertaking these rituals in a trance

Emotionally intoxicated by reason

Completing another robotic day

Just the identical to the previous one

Drawing the curtains

Turning of the light

Getting into bed once more

To prepare for tomorrows

Repeat of today.



(The wit of man has rarely been more exercised than in the attempt to classify the morbid mental phenomena covered by the term insanity. The result has been disappointing) Daniel Hack Tuke


An inevitable Fatality

I know my thinking has been just

I know all my opinions are fair

I know some have misunderstood me

I know some think me un-diplomatic

I know some think me insensitive

Some may accuse me of being pretentious and even bombastic

Or heaven forbid and attention seeker

I have always been genuine

My meanings either

Go over people’s heads

Or are misinterpreted completely

Or to some sensitive souls my views

Might seem a little strong

Even offensive

Many thanks to those who “get” me


A Journey through Dense Mists

In these thick mists

There are no corners

There are no paved roads

Concealed in the dense fog

Dwell many dangers and threats

Waiting patiently

To stab you in the back

Hidden daemons waiting to admonish you

For not being like them

Confronting you for not conforming

To put you on trial for being you

You harbor a deep longing

That fog will clear

But such a wish is in vain


A Fragile Sculpture

There it stands on its own

A lonely image of isolation

It has stood there

For time uncounted

It was created out of love and affection


But now its surface is cracked

Dusty and worn out

The cold-hearted weather

Of humanity has damaged it

Beyond repair

It has endured countless assaults

From those with hearts of ice

It yearns to decay

Crumble into dust

To be swept away by the wind.


Unforgivable Assumptions

So I hear you say

That which is different

Is a problem

You assume without question

To behave differently from

The “herd”

Is somehow wrong


That someone who has

A contrasting “way of being”

To you needs to be

Singled out as inferior

As some sort of alien

And placed in a box

Such an offense

Can never be forgiven

Worse still is to condemn

That which you have not

Even the slightest notion of


Stone and Water

This is how it is

Make the best of it

Don’t let it bother you

You’re too intense

You’re not moaning again

Are you?

Don’t worry

Everything is set in stone

No point trying to smash it

No point trying to melt it

No point trying to reshape it


Everything is not set in stone

Just because something is

Does not mean it should remain

Stone cannot be melted or reshaped

Or so you say

But life is water not stone.


Cataclysmic Collisions

The very thing I call fact

Does have its destructive side

In some cases

Absolute truth is inconsiderate

But fact is fact

Sometimes these

Facts collide with

Sensitive trigger nerves

Therefore, sometimes it is

Better to consider

The feelings of others

Consider whom

You are speaking to

Before rashly ignoring sensitivity

Particularly when these facts

Come in the form of

Blanket statements


Even though a spade is a spade

It is too easy to run into

Emotional blind spots.


Clear Visions as Wounds

With open eyes we see

That which disturbs us

With open eyes we see

That which upsets us

With open eyes we see

That which distresses us

With open eyes we see

Wounding visions.


These wounds are the deepest

Psychological wounds are more severe

Than physical ones

The visions are so clear

That they cut deeper than any blade

These wounding visions

Leave there lasting scars


With closed eyes we are

Shielded from these

Unnerving visions.


A list of Enemies

Only one name on this list

But it is listed many times

For many different reasons

For many different offences

For many different mistakes

For many different unforced errors

So it is indeed a long list

It is clear that

I know my enemy


A Corpse in Ice

The skin has rotten away

The flesh has dissolved

All that remains is for

The lifeless frozen bones

Encased in the ice

To dissolve and rot away.

As if it never existed


Two Categories

Those who mock my ideas

Those who mock my words

Those who mock my opinions

Those who mock my intensity

Those who dismiss my complex

Way of thinking as insanity

Fit into the category of  stupid


Those who accuse me

Of attention seeking

Those who say

“I don’t want to hear, your rubbish, it’s boring.”

Fit into a far more sinister category

In other words

Those who do not like me

Are insignificant and pathetic.

The mocking comes from my direction.



Is my reasoning logical?

Are my viewpoints reasonable?

Is what I am doing productive?

Have I wasted several opportunities?

What needs to be cut out?

What new things need to be brought in?

Do I need a new approach?

Do I need a new pair of eyes?

Or just a new pair of spectacles?


Building Bridges

Only a river separates us

One person one on bank

One person on the other

One decides to build a bridge

Crosses it and offers

His hand in a gesture of friendship

But in return is offered a

Cruel ultimatum

Agree with all my opinions or

Be pushed into the river to drown


Stone Pillars

That which is good

That which is fair

That which is ethical

That which is empathetic

These four pillars should

Remain undamaged for eternity

These for pillars should be tended to

That which is selfish

That which is greedy

That which is elitist

That which is tribal

These four pillars should be

Demolished without compromise


The Next Stage

For millions of years

Masses of humans

Have behaved in a certain way

With their conversation rules

With there restrained speech

With their self –censorship


At some point in time

A new type of human was bound

To emerge,

A type of human with no

Conversation rules or self-censorship

Or verbal restraint

The next Stage of

Human evolution.


The Sanatorium

In times of stress

In times of anxiety

I retreat to a safe place

A place of comfort

A place of security

A place that no evil can enter

A place that protects me

From the destructive daily

Agony of the outside world


 The Rant of a Killjoy

Everything is not OK

Everything is not positive

Everything is not perfect

Everything is not beyond questioning


You cannot ignore the truth

Simply because you find it negative

You cannot accept a lie

Simply because it is positive

If something is wrong

It must be sorted out

If there is injustice

It must be dealt with

Tragic news told with a smile

Is still tragic news

A disaster is a disaster

A spade is a spade

Anyway I will shut up now

Let you get back to your newspaper

So you can enjoy being

Brainwashed by comforting



Answering Accusations 

I do not seek attention

I do not have delusions of grandeur

I do not have a superiority complex

I do not write poems

To mask my own faults

I do not make statements to shock

I simply state what I think

What do you think?


The Greatest Fear

You hold onto your own perspectives

You hold onto your “truths”

You hold onto your ignorance

You hold onto your illusions


Hide away from the obvious

It’s the comfy chair

Off the easy life, the settled mind

Protecting you from your greatest fear

This is irrational

Your resistance futile

I am pleased to inform you

That the scythe of truth

Will shatter your illusions

To free you from your ignorance.


Rummaging Through the Rubbish

In this enormous pile of filth

One will only find.

Yet more counterproductive thoughts

Yet more nonsense

Yet more fruitless acts

Yet more involuntary decisions

Yet more impulse spending

Yet more marking time

Yet more materialistic trash

Yet more mindless wasting of time on empty “pleasures”


Ulterior Motives

No one ever does something

Without a reason or a motive

If there is no motivating factor

Then there is no point to the act

Sometimes these motives are

Sinister hidden self-serving agendas

But in most cases they are not.

A doctor does not treat your illness

Simply to heal you

He does this because he gets paid

A psychologist does not “help” a patient

To cure them of a so-called mental illness

It is to make themselves seem superior to the patient at the expense of the patient.

Never trust anyone who offers “help”


 Hazy Hyper Reality

If I can see it, it must be there

Or is it really there

All this could be a dream

And dreams could be the true reality

Are we really here?

Do we exist?

There are is no proof

That anything is indeed reality

There is no evidence for anything

Will I wake from sleep?

Or will I fall asleep?


A Very Useful Technique

It would be very reasonable to do this

Yes maybe it would

But reasonable for who?

Maybe you are abusing the term reasonable

To suit your own ends

Maybe you wish to exert your authority?

Why would it be reasonable for me

To heed your advice?

I fear that if I do

Your sinister plan will

Have come to fruition.


 Shrinking Horizons

Like four iron walls

From the north

From the south

From the east

From the west

The view of the mind decreases

As the view of

The eyes remain comprehensive

Until the mind imprisons

Itself in the internal

Iron walled cell.


Static Psychosis

A mood of indifference prevails

Every task not only seems impossible

It is devoid of substance

Success seems identical to failure

Forever grasping at thin air

Forever trying to discover

That which is tangible

Eternally being disappointed

Eternally toiling for nothing.


Confessions of a Stubborn Coward

I know my actions seem absurd

I know I do not understand the simple

I know I do not comprehend the basic

I know I am sometimes lazy

I know I am sometimes paranoid

I know I am sometimes gluttonous

I know I am sometimes slothful

I know I sometimes waste time

I know I am sometimes impulsive

I know I am sometimes anxious without reason


 At the Foot of the Mountain

Staring upwards

Straining the neck

To see the summit

Contemplating whether

To begin the ascent

The task seems impossible

The climb is begun

With a sense of

Begrudging necessity

Low confidence

But forever struggling

Out of breath

Climbing for 27 years

Only to fall back to

The base after every attempt

To once again begin the ascent.


(No longer do we seek to understand whole persons in their social contexts – rather we are there to realign our patient’s neurotransmitters. The problem is that it is very difficult to have a relationship with a neurotransmitter – whatever its configuration)

Loren Mosher, resignation letter to

The American Psychiatric Association, 1998.  


My Mantra

I know this to be fact

At least I am convinced this is fact

I am unable to fit in

It is an impossible task

For me to normalize myself

It’s not that I am stupid

It’s the mere fact that

“People will never understand me”

“People will never understand me”

“People will never understand me”

“People will never understand me”………………


The Epilogue

A sense of fatigue

A sense of exhaustion

A sense of apathy

A sense of indifference

Broken sleep patterns

Decreasing levels of enthusiasm

Dark times outnumber light times

The mind in auto pilot mode

Are these the signs of imminent collapse?


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