Shadows of Mist

( A collection of poems written January- May 2016)



Liam Whetstone


©2016 LIAM WHETSTONE all rights reserved

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception

And to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Liam Whetstone



No external interference

No tiresome interruptions

No unwelcome disruptions

Secure solitude

At peace with life

At peace with yourself

Leave all life’s stresses

To one side

For your sanity

And peace of mind


Invasion of Alien Thoughts

The evil army musters in secret

Gathering its deadly weapons

Developing its tactics

This terrible army

Signals out those minds

That are inactive

These demonic troops

Strike when all defences are down

With catastrophic effect

They set up camp

Inside the inactive mind

Infecting it with a feeling of

Constant dread

A sense

Of impending doom.


Shattering Glass

Fragile, yet still resistant

Struggling against the

Pressure of life

Fighting of the collapse

Determined to survive

The glass begins to crack

And eventually, shatters

When the pressure

Is just too strong.


Inevitable Madness 

When everything is too much

When nothing makes sense

When everyone puts you down

There is only one outcome

When there is no hope of help

When rationale is forsaken

And darkness takes over

The victim retreats

Into an internal

World of madness

Suffocated by the fumes

Of self-deception.


Irritating Encounters

When one is waiting for a buss

One likes to be left alone

Even when there are others in the que

Yes just a bit of peace and quiet please

How bothersome it is indeed

When my tranquillity is interrupted

By someone who wishes to

Babble on about blaming “them”

Making ridiculous statements

Like “all them foreigners get everything for nothing”

And “They should just send them home”

And other such nonsense

Also they seem to

Make the preposterous assumption

That I also hold

Such ignorant viewpoints

At least with

The welcome arrival of one’s buss

One can escape this

Bothersome situation

And take a seat far away

From the tiresome fool.


The Button

Well then sir

Will you press this button?

Will you do the right thing?

To protect your people?

Well all it does

Is set of a nuclear missile

That will murder billions

And result in the complete

Destruction of our planet

It’s quite obvious that

This button should

Never be pressed

It’s not a matter for

Discussion and debate

How can anything

That will destroy everything

Be used to protect anyone.

The True Face of a Psychopath

These people appear to be calm

Not always waving their hands

Not always ranting

Not always raving

They seem to be rational thinkers

They speak there insane mind

As if it were a sane mind

However what they say

And the relaxed casual

Way they say it

Is proof enough

That they are psychotic


A Most Useful Weapon

Allow me to explain, they say

Come and sit down for a minute, they say

They speak

You listen

Their mission is to

Get you to change your mind

To get you to agree with them.

Because there suggestions

Are reasonable and

Your ideas are ridiculous

They attack you with

This weapon

Over and over and over again

Striving to break down

Your defences

But you must never capitulate

For reason is a weapon of

The deceitful, self-serving



The Wisdom of my Lofty Superiors

Their wisdom is so grand

Their wisdom is so profound

I must always heed it

For my superiors are so clever

As they kindly remind me of the obvious

Eloquently explaining to me

That if I stand out in the rain

I will get wet.

So I could never survive without

My lofty superiors.


Quality Discourse

To converse one to one

On matters of

High importance

Is a most enjoyable experience

To converse one to one

On matters of no importance

Is a crushing bore

To converse one to one

With one of like mind

Is a most pleasant experience

To converse one to one

With one of a quite different mind

Is the grandest experience.

A Cloak of Protection

Many of you wear this cloak

To protect yourself

From matters of high significance

You walk around like zombies

With your eyes blindfold

When asked

What do you think of all the tragedy?

Taking place in the world?

Some of you look bemused

Some of you look irritated

And some of you look away.

Distracted by what you call

Light entertainment

Deliberately ignorant.



At first unnoticeable

Only dusty scratches appear

Gradually getting bigger

As life takes its heavy toll

Years and years of toil

Have left their

Un-fixable damage

Eventually nothing remains

Of our lives but memory

Like invisible

Yet present shadows

Winding Down

At the end of a hard day

Whether it’s a hard day’s work

Or a day of tiresome stress

We all need to relax

We all need to put our troubles

To one side

We all need to make

Time for things we enjoy

Lest the stress get to strong

And thus destroy us completely.

Unseen Agony

A menacing fog

Enshrouds the mind

Infecting it like a virus

Only the sufferer truly

Understands how it feels

It is concealed within

The mind of the sufferer

Until the virus completely

Consumes the mind

And nothing remains but

Toxic unbearable enervation

Creeping Insanity

In the first week

Seconds of madness

In the second week

Minutes of madness

In the third week

Hours of madness

In the fourth week

Three days of madness

In the fifth week

Madness saturation

Mind capitulation


Where it never rains

Where it never snows

Where there is no disease

Where life is limitless

Where there is no violence

Where nature holds no dominion

Where greed is an alien concept

Where there is no poverty

Where there is no homelessness

A forever distant

Undiscovered land

Preposterous Insolence

Hark, it is you again I see

You fine ladies and gentleman

Who always know better than me?

You most exceptional folk

Must educate me in the

Ways of conversation

In the ways of humour

In the ways of right and wrong

You always feel the need

To impart to me

Your vital information

Indeed it is your divine right

As it is also your divine right

To misunderstand me

Because there is only one style

Of conversation

Does it not occur to you?

That I may have my own

Style of conversing

This does not indicate

That I must be put right

To presume so

Would be too simple

It might even be

That my direct way

Of conversing is more useful

Than yours

As your way is

Tied in knots with

Emotive triggers

A Myth of Grand Proportion

Some of you seem to think

That I do not understand

How you feel

Some of you seem to think

That I am unable

To empathise with you

When you are facing

An ordeal or catastrophe

I may not show it

In the way you expect

But I do feel

The greatest empathy

With those who

Struggle and suffer.


Waiting for the Cement to Dry

Long lines of bricks

Placed one on top

Of the other

In the traditional fashion

The structure seems


But the cement is still wet

The work is not yet finished

To assume so would be


The structure would

Simply collapse

And you would

Have to start again

So it’s probably best

To wait, until the cement dries

An Assembly of Ethics

This was formed, to protect people

It was not formed to be used as

A vehicle for a few to get rich

At the expense of the many

It was not formed so this

Country or that country

Could get the best deal

This grand old organisation

Should be run on the ethics

Of humanism and equality

Not the principles of

Greed and self interest


Wearisome Days

Slept in again

What is on today’s agenda?

Yes I see, that’s it

I should get up I suppose

And seize the day

Yet weariness persists

With its companion


Well, let’s get a coffee

And get on with the day then.


A once in a generation decision

No second chances

Safety in numbers

Or a leap into the dark

Collective unity

Or separatist nationalism

Protection of workers’ rights

Or no workers’ rights

Protection of human rights

Or no human rights

As a matter of fact

It’s quite an easy decision


All these doors are locked

For a reason

We have the keys

It’s for your own good

You’re not doing this

You’re not doing that

You’re not going there

You’re not reading that

You’re not watching this

You’re not listening to that

It’s for your own good

Mysterious Pathways

There is a path to the north

There is a path to the south

There is a path to the east

There is a path to the west

All look most inviting

All look most intriguing

But all look rather


Down the path to the north

There is??

Down the path to the south

There is??

Down the path to the east

There is??

Down the path to the west

There is??

Unless one ventures

Down one of these pathways

You will never discover

What lies down them?

And if you do not

Like what you find

You can always

Go back to the beginning



A different path

Where is the Rule Book?

I have never seen it

So why should I

Abide by a set

Of fictional rules

Why can’t I ask a question?

Without getting a negative reaction

Why can’t I make

A direct statement without

Giving offence

And being instructed

In the fictional

Rules of conversation.

Preaching to the Unconverted

Ladies and gentleman

I have come here today

On a matter of high importance

You are all good people

You all have lives to maintain

You all live through

The stresses of

The modern world

But there are those who

Are better off than you

Would you not like?

To improve

Your quality of life

Well there is a way to do this

Now I understand most of you

Are convinced that

All politicians are the same

That they are all greedy careerists

And that nothing will ever change

Well what if there was a genuine person

Leading a political party

With logical policies that would

Improve your lives

Would you vote for such a person?


Another and another and another

Why won’t anything go right?

Why can’t I have some good luck for once?

Why does everything I want to do get scuppered

By the incompetence of others

Why can’t people do simple things?

Why can’t people understand direct statements?

That’s just the way

Life is I suppose.


How dare you

You small minded fools

How dare you presume?

To question me

Indeed your audacity is

Most insufferable

How dare you suppose

That your way is better than mine

How dare you look down?

Your nose at me

How dare you say?

That my ethical values

Are inferior to your

Ideas of greed

And first come first served

Get thee gone from my sight

At once.

Just Visiting

So this is planet earth

With its inequality

With its injustice

With its wars

With its starvation

With its destitution

Quite an interesting planet

It is to be sure

It’s humans are also most

Intriguing when observed

With their false conversation

With their greed

With their ulterior motives

With their sarcasm

With their hints

With their reactionary hearts

On second thoughts

I think I shall return

To my own planet.